Hydrant & Sprinkler Booster Australian Standards



Refer AS2419.1 2017 for full industry requirements and further details.

Some important considerations when buying or installing a Hydrant Booster Assembly;

  • Positioned where it is easily identifiable and accessible for fire fighters and tenders. – in front or on the approach to the building
  • Must be installed to NCC and applicable Australian standards eg AS2419.1 for hydrants.
  • Pipework from water mains to backflow must be Watermarked approved.
  • First Isolation valve from the water main into the backflow must be Watermarked approved.
  • Butterfly Valves must be gear operated and approved to international standards and/or Active Fire
  • An isolation valve must be installed under the booster.
  • Gate Valves must be OSY and approved to international standards and/or Active Fire
  • All 65mm Storz Adaptors must be forged.
  • There must be clearance of MIN 100mm around all handwheels
  • Must be at least 750mm above FGL and no higher than 1200mm except when installed as an “I Pattern”. (600mm – 1200MM)

Click here to find out more about our hydrant and sprinkler boosters!